First, I want to apologize to my readers for the long delay in posting new content. The past year has been full of various distractions which has caused me to have to focus on other things. Over time, I'll give you some additional details on what has transpired on my personal front but they have all been positive developments. The downside was that other aspects of my life required my full attention to the detriment of TTG.
For better of worse, the COVID-19 pandemic has given me some more time to spend with my family, catch up on things that I have wanted to do and now, re-focus on TTG. Going forward, I do hope to have more time to bring you new content relating to timeshares and travel. While the entire world is on lockdown with little to no travel plans planned for the future, the opportunity for some exciting deals is on the horizon. For those of you who have wanted to travel but couldn't, be prepared to see some incredible travel deals in the near future. The past decade has been an economic boom that has allowed many of us to travel throughout the world. Airlines had expanded at a rapid pace that allowed many of us to jet set around the world. Loyalty programs and timeshares allowed us to do so at a very affordable level. As this new chapter of the world begins, I don't know what it will bring. For many of us, hard times are ahead as jobs and companies will contract and shut down. For others, this type of economic turmoil brings about many opportunities and can allow you to see clearer on what is important for you and your family and what you want to accomplish in this life. The last year has been full of change for me and it appears that this next year will be the same. Change is occurring quickly and hope to be able to refocus on bringing you good and relevant content on timeshares and travel. Please reach out with any questions that you may have or content that you would like to see! I hope that the new chapter of TTG will be better than ever! |
April 2020
April 2020